Welcome Back!

Welcome back to another school year! We hope everyone had a fun and restful summer! Below are some details regarding our upcoming school year:

First day of school: Tuesday, Sep 7, 2021, for all students K-6.

Water Fountains - The water fountains will not be open for the beginning of the school year. However, we will have the water bottle filling stations available. It is very important that all students have a water bottle each day.

Bus - Bussing will return to full capacity. Students will be required to wear a non-medical mask while on the bus until at least October. All students will be required to keep their non-medical masks on as they enter the school and proceed to their classrooms.

Bus Arrival Time: 8:15 am at the back door for all students.

Bus Departure Time: 2:30 pm at the back door for all students.

Parent drop off - Drop off time is between 8:00-8:25 am. Parents will drop off students at the front entrance. Students will then enter the school and proceed directly to their classroom. Parents remain in their vehicles.

The PSB will impose restrictions regarding bus passes. Until further notice, PSB buses will only consider pick-ups and drop-offs of students at the collection points associated with their primary place of residence/child care.

Parent pick up - Pick up time is between 2:20-2:30 pm. Parents can call the school and we will have your child ready to be picked up at the front entrance.

Walkers - Students who walk to school will enter the school, they will be required to wear a non-medical mask, and they will enter through the main entrance (visitor’s entrance). Students will proceed directly to their classroom.

Lunch - K-3: 11:45-12:15 - Outdoor Recess

                     12:15-12:45 - Lunch

             4-6: 11:45-12:15 - Lunch

                    12:15-12:45 - Outdoor Recess

Masking - The Chief Public Health Office requires some mask measures to remain in place as a short-term measure until October 2021, with further assessment at that time. These measures include:

o Masks are required for staff, students, and visitors in all grades when transitioning through school buildings.

o Masks are required for staff in classrooms in Grades K to 6 when physical distancing is not possible.

o Masks are required for staff and students in all grades on school buses.

Cohorting - Cohorting is not required in school at this time.

Screening - Daily home or self-screening for symptoms of COVID-19 using the COVID-19 symptom screening tool is recommended for staff, students, and visitors.

o If experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, get tested; testing guidance may evolve over time, refer to the most up-to-date information on the testing webpage.

o Schools should follow procedures for students, staff, and visitors who become sick during the school day.