It is indeed a pleasure to welcome you to the 2023-24 school year at ACES! Today, the Alberton Staff accepts into our outstretched arms the most precious gift anyone can receive, our community’s children.
Be sure to keep us informed of anything that would have a bearing on how your child is doing/feeling so we can help them have a very successful year. Thank you for the open lines of communication. What parents value or believe defines what is important to their children. When you value education and believe it is important, so will your children. Our partnership with you in this shared value is critical. Your child’s education is our priority!
The Alberton staff, parents, and the surrounding community share a common vision. Student success is the goal of every staff member at Alberton. High-quality classroom instruction, students who are highly motivated to learn, a warm and nurturing learning environment, and a supportive and encouraging parent community make Alberton Elementary a wonderful place to learn and work. Here’s to another great year!
Mrs. Shanna Perry
Mrs. Kendra Silliker